Saturday, March 10, 2007

Proper Recovery Time

Proper Recovery Time for working out , should be categorize by rest periods by type of exercise and numbers of repetitions performed. For example, when lifting very heavy weights for three to six repetitions, a rest period of at least 3 to 6 minutes is adequate between each set. When training heavy , the number of sets should vary between 6 and 10 by body part. For example, if training the chest with heavy weights, a lifter should perform 6 to 10 sets of 3 to 6 repetitions, with a rest period of 3 to 6 minutes between sets.
When training for definition, usually with lower weights and a higher repetitions, rest periods can be anywhere between 1 to 4 minutes. For example, when training light for the chest, a trainer should perform 10 to 14 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions, with rest periods of 1 to 4 minutes.
Hopefully these basic resting periods will help improve everybody's training efficiency to grow muscle mass. Remember, each and every one of us has different muscle tissues and each body functions differently, therefore adjust weights and rest periods accordingly for appropriate recuperation.

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All The Whey

All The Whey